Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Late Work

I am curious about how everyone approaches late work in your classes? I accept it for a 10% point penalty per day late (not including quizzes, which I do not allow late). Here are some things I think are pros and cons of accepting late work:

1. Students are more likely to pass classes
2. Students have more flexibility, which is probably why they are taking online classes
3. Late work covers the same content

1. I hate grading late work. It is not that fun to be grading work from three different weeks at one time and manually going back to the gradebook to enter scores and figuring out who did what when. This is not good teaching time.
2. Students expect all future teachers to let them submit work at any time
3. This does not represent college level learning, as on ground universities observe real deadlines
4. My students know what is due when on the first day of class so good project planning should eliminate the need for late work, even in emergencies that last only a day or two

Thoughts? Ideas?


  1. This is a topic which will go on forever, not just in online classes, but all classes. I've met people who swear by the "no late work" policy. I've also run into those who take late work all the time will little or no penalty.

    My approach is to have all items due on Sunday night and every Sunday night, something's due. This reduces the "I didn't know" excuse. I'll take Exams/Papers 48 hours late once, but that's it. Seems to have worked for me.

  2. Hi Joanna, I do allow late work (essays only, not on the quizzes) but only if the student has contacted me in advance. And, if they have given me that courtesy, I will usually not penalize them the first time. Otherwise, they will lose 10% of the total points possible on an assignment per day (which works out to a letter grade per day) and anything later than 10 days isn't accepted as it would be a 100% reduction in the grade. I also give them a limited amount of time to get the assignment turned in late (usually 48 hrs is sufficient). I will ask them when they can get the work turned in by and if its reasonable, I will go with that date. Then, if they miss that new due date, it's their responsibility.

  3. Funny thing. I posted about this myself last week. Please read my post for my answer. Mary O'Brien
